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Learn about recent updates for the EFP program, other agri-environmental programs, and how EFP plays into agricultural markets.

Beneficial Management Practices

Maintaining a healthy environment is essential to the success of Alberta’s agricultural producers. Learn about BMPs that you can adopt on your farm to reduce environmental risk.


Brochures, fact sheets, reports developed by Alberta EFP.


Video tutorials to assist you through the entire process of the environmental farm plan.

Alberta EFP

Canadian Beef Centre of Excellence to be established in Calgary

Alberta EFPJul 08, 2014
Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz together with Minister of State for Western Economic Diversification Michelle Rempel announced $3,844,800, through the Western...

A Producer’s Perspective

Alberta EFPMay 07, 2014
Strategic Planning Process Helps Hone Legacy Of Stewardship For Producers One Alberta forage farmer has identified benefits to the Environmental Farm...

Potato growers target market growth with a brand for stewardship

Alberta EFPFeb 15, 2013
Master marketing plan uses tools such as EFP to build markets today and tomorrow There’s a simple lesson in customer service...

Expect rural septic systems to be in the news more

Alberta EFPJul 03, 2012
Pressure is on to manage better It is always amazing to consider how much work a farm septic system does. The...

Alberta launches new season of Environmental Farm Plan workshops

Alberta EFPJan 07, 2009
Alberta launches new season of Environmental Farm Plan workshops January 7, 2009: Alberta farmers and ranchers who want to complete an Environmental...

Leader in sustainable agriculture headlines at Alberta Environmental Farm Plan Company Annual General Meeting

Alberta EFPOct 08, 2008
Leader in sustainable agriculture headlines at Alberta Environmental Farm Plan Company Annual General Meeting October 8, 2008: A leader on the front...

Alberta Environmental Farm Plan Company Annual Report now available

Alberta EFPAug 28, 2008
Alberta Environmental Farm Plan Company Annual Report now available August 28, 2008: The 2007/08 Annual Report of the Alberta Environmental Farm Plan...

Rural Emergency Plan announced for Alberta landowners

Alberta EFPMar 11, 2008
Rural Emergency Plan announced for Alberta landowners March 18, 2008: The Alberta Environmental Farm Plan Company (AEFP) and the Alberta Fire Chiefs...

New chair, new members for Alberta Environmental Farm Plan Company

Alberta EFPNov 01, 2007
New chair, new members for Alberta Environmental Farm Plan Company November 1, 2007: The Alberta Environmental Farm Plan Company (AEFP) has a...